GalacticServer Website
Chapter 6 - The
from 'UFOs:
A Great New Dawn for Humanity'
Enrique Castillo Rincon was in a
ufostudygroup in Bogota, Columbia that for some time (1972)
had received telepathic and - automatic-writing -contact to some
Andromeda and Pleiadian spaceships near Earth.
At a time they had been told to go
to a place to see them, but the group had been watched and
others followed them - concealed. Police and the army. But they
all saw some "lights" that some thought to be helicopters -
others that they was reflected lights from cars in clouds.
Here we enter when these policemen
"One of the officers asked what we
were doing there. They had been warned by some peasants,
who had called the central police station after seeing a
strange "helicopter" hovering over the fields. They thought
it could be smugglers and decided to warn the authorities.
At that time, Colombia had not yet been afflicted by drug

"I immediately associated the strange lights, which we had
blamed on cars, with "flying saucers." There was no doubt,
the country people had seen the same objects! They were not
cars, they were…..
Richard Deeb, the oldest in the group, approached the
commander of the patrol and identified himself. As a
coincidence, Richard carried a calling card from a friend of
his, a general of the Republic, when the officer looked at
the card, speechless, he saluted him, thinking he was the
general himself.
Richard explained to them that our presence at that place
and hour was part of certain contemplation and meditation
exercises that were to be practiced outdoors. The officer
was satisfied and, after looking at the faces of each one in
the group, allowed us to go our way.
We breathed freely again. At least, for a short while, we
had forgotten the purpose of our visit to La Calera. Several
country-folk around the soldiers stared at us with
curiosity. We were a rather unusual sight, at midnight in
such a place. We walked down to our cars, without a word,
and once inside them agreed to follow exactly the
instructions given by the "beings from Andromeda."
Each of us would await a message the
next day at our homes at noon sharp, and at 8:00 p.m. we would
meet at Richard Deeb's home to compare our information. Then we
left for our homes.
I arrived home very late that night. My wife didn't ask
anything. She assumed that I had been busy working late, perhaps
installing a computer or taking care of some important business.
She had no idea where I had been.
The next day was October 12, "Dia de la Raza" (Race Day), a
holiday in Colombia, celebrated with special ceremonies about
the "Discovery of America." Minutes before noontime, I tried to
persuade my wife to leave me alone in the house for a couple of
hours. I lived in the barrio "Santa Isabel" in Bogota,
well-known because of the many emerald traffickers who lived
My wife protested angrily, and in a
moment of rage, confronted me with this statement:
"Enrique, if you get involved
with those "Martians", you are going to become insane!"
She slammed the door and left with
my dog Dingo, who, happily wagging his tail, ran away after her.
I was finally alone. I disconnected the doorbell and retired to
the bedroom. I readied paper and pencil and sat on the bed,
starting my relaxation and concentration exercises. I removed my
watch from my left wrist. It was almost 12:00 noon. Time passed
quickly, but nothing happened. I decided that I was not one of
the chosen ones and that I should end the concentration. I got
up and walked towards the window.
I looked at the sky and asked myself:
"How can a 'flying saucer'
possibly arrive at my home, at 12:00 noon, on a holiday, and
with all these people on the street? Nonsense!"
I had barely thought about this
folly, when I heard a voice:
"Enrique, write!"
I turned around and, surprised, ran
for the bedroom door. I opened it, but there was nobody in the
living room.
"Enrique, write!" the voice
As fast as I could, I took paper and
pencil. I looked around, trying to locate the source of that
order. Then I felt the strangest sensation I had ever felt: a
steady, buzzing sound, like the sound of bees, affected my ears.
Panic got the best of me.
The voice persisted.

At the center of my brain, I heard a rhythmic drum beat.
breathing sped up abnormally. I held the paper on my legs and
started writing what the voice dictated. This was at l2:02 p.m.,
October 12, 1973, a Friday. Minutes passed, and I wrote. It was
my first communication with extraterrestrials.
Tears, or perhaps perspiration, dripped on the paper. Pages were
filled at the speed that my hands permitted. A strong shivering
affected my whole body, and a strange force took hold of me. I
was so moved that I could no longer think.
The notes had to do with a "Third World War."
They ended by
telling me that there would be no contact that night, but that
other space brothers had already arrived.
"Continue with the group," the
voice said. "They will get in touch with you. Goodbye!"
The voice also stressed our poor
behavior during the preceding night, during which basic rules of
conduct had not been respected, such as when we had argued
furiously over the incidents just described. According to them,
this line of conduct did not help the group. I trembled when I
heard this observation.
The communication ended. I stood up and went into the bathroom.
I turned on the faucet and looked at the image in the mirror. My
eyes were bloodshot. My arms and legs still shook. It was not
perspiration that had fallen on the paper. They were tears,
which streamed from my eyes uncontrollably.
Around my nose and my nails, a purple line appeared. My body
itched all over. I washed my face and returned to the bedroom,
rested for a while, then gathered and ordered the sheets just
written, reading them over carefully. I was deeply moved. I then
folded them and put them in my pocket.
Then I lay on side of the
bed and rested again.
Much refreshed, I went back into the bathroom and could see that
the purple lines were gone. I washed my face again and felt
renewed. I arranged my clothes, reconnected the doorbell, and
opened the door of the house. Then I whistled, calling one of my
sons, who was playing soccer some fifty meters away.
When my family returned, Beatriz could not control her temper.
She asked me why I was so pale and again criticized my
activities with the UFOs. I had spoiled the lunch hour.
At this moment, my brother Roberto
arrived, and offhandedly I showed him the written pages.
"Enrique, where did you get
that?" I didn't explain anything to him, and he said, "I
know that the Third World War is being held back, but it
will come, no matter what," and that was all.
I put the pages back in my pocket
and left, seeking the company of a friend of mine, to whom I
could relate the recent events. I invited her to the movies, and
while there told her about the message. She listened, surprised,
and suddenly cut off my monologue with a warning at what she
termed as cheap spiritism or imagination.
I decided that I would rather not
continue with my story.
That night, among nightmares and insane thoughts, I barely
slept. Flying saucers landed at my house, doors slammed,
footsteps echoed through my dreams. The next day, a Saturday, I
was late arriving at the office. It was nine o'clock. Four
people from the group were waiting for me.
One of them spoke up for the rest,
"Enrique, Karen is offended. Why
didn't you go to the meeting? Several of the group received
messages, ordering them to go to such and such places. We
were at Fontibon, El Rosal, LaCalera, Choachi. We waited in
vain until 3:00 a.m. Nobody showed up."
I listened to them silently. Calmly,
I answered that the reason for my absence was due to the message
received the day before, in which the beings from Andromeda
informed me that there would be no contact that night.
My friends looked at each other. I handed them the handwritten
pages, and they read them eagerly. An idea crossed my mind. I
warned the four members of the group to maintain their silence
about the messages I had received until that night's meeting. I
wanted to discover for certain whether anyone else in our group
had received a message such as mine. That night, at the moment
of reading the messages given to each one, no other messages
were announced.
All agreed that I had been selected in some way by the beings
from Andromeda to relay a message, and that mine was the true
message. With this unexpected result, I read aloud the message.
No one discussed the truth of my report; it was self evident.
The others didn't want to talk much about the subject, and the
meeting proceeded quite like any other. Sitting in our usual
places, at 8:15 p.m. on Saturday, October 14, 1973, we started
our relaxation.
I was sitting with my back to a window that opened to the
street. I was dressed in informal clothing, wearing a blue
shirt, scarf, and leather jacket. All were looking at Chela. Ten
or fifteen minutes elapsed with no communication. Then I felt
that same buzzing sound, same as the day before.
A voice, this time very tenuous,
"Enrique, write!"
The message started this way:
"We are messengers from
Pleiades; the same who gave knowledge to the Inca and other
Shuddering, very uncomfortable,
almost breathless, I tore open my shirt and tossed the scarf
away, which landed on Marjorie Hollman's lap. This time we were
connected to beings from the Pleiades, not Andromeda!
I fell into sort of a mediumship spell, with my tongue tied. All
my friends noticed it and rubbed their hands and placed them on
my head. A new message started, and at that point I lost track
of time and place.
I remembered nothing. After half an hour, I opened my eyes.
Marjorie and Maria Teresa wiped perspiration from my face. Karen
was holding my head, and without thinking, I asked,
"Karen, what happened?"
She replied categorically,
"My child, you were gone very
far away!"
The message read that I was the one
selected in Colombia by the extraterrestrials to make direct
physical contact on a date that they would give soon. Until
then, I was the only person in the country to undergo this
experience. Paulina, Richard's wife, brought me a cup of warm
milk with brandy. I stood up with the same drowsiness as the day
Marjorie and Jorge Eduardo rubbed my arms vigorously. I was put
to bed. Luckily, there was a doctor, Rafael Contreras, who,
after examining me using his stethoscope, said that other than a
slightly elevated heart rate, I appeared to be in good health.
He complained bitterly about not having a movie camera to
capture the moment when I drew some strange symbols in the air
with my hands. Much of the information given made reference to a
golden disk, hidden in a temple in Peru, and to some papyri and
manuscripts. Everything had been recorded on tape, and this
allowed us to end a small argument over some misinterpreted
words. Then we agreed to meet again the following Tuesday.
A throbbing headache tormented me each time that communications
were received. It was no longer Chela who received the messages;
it was I who had to bear the consequences of the communications.
The terrible headache forced me to skip work for two days. Twice
I refused to receive more communications from the
They said that after two or three more
sessions, the headache would go away.

left to right
picture from 1992
Garciela Torres - (Chela) - who first received
the ET-communications.
Enrique C.Rincon
and mrs. Majorie de Hollman in whose home many instructions and
messages were received in Bogota.
At one time I heard that they were
taking measurements of my brain. They even gave a figure.
According to them, the vibration rate of my brain was 829
"valiums." I thought maybe that was a voltage, the natural
frequency of my brain. However, they never clarified this point.
It is extremely difficult to put into words the full depth of
the meaning of these experiences, because most of the time, with
all the attendant reactions and consequences, the impact was
blended and interwoven on many levels with internal events,
invisible to the eyes of the other people in the group.
Karen's role was not clear anymore. She had been the initiator,
but once her mission was completed, the shine of her "aura"
faded. Karen insisted on my need to strengthen my bonds with the
I carried out, step-by-step, her recommended techniques for
contacting, but I felt frustrated, for I realized that I lacked
the paranormal faculties of others. I tended to blame it on the
"unconscious." Certainly, I did not know about the forces that
dominated us. Anyway, our group was organized, at first with
seventeen people. Later it grew to twenty-seven members.
Because of the importance of the
events that sequentially took place, I will give the names of
the initial group:
1. Mr. Richard Deeb 2. Mrs. Paulina Deeb 3. Marjorie Hollman 4. Maria Teresa Paladino 5. Graciela Torres (Chela) 6. Alfonso Blanco (Poncho) 7. Cosme Mejia 8. Heberto Cediel 9. Dr. Rafael Contreras 10. Pedro Avila 11. Gloria Avila 11. 12. Alba Avila (daughters of Pedro Avila) 13. Alcides Camelo 14. Victor Rodriguez 15. Fernando Ma' rquez 16. Jorge Eduardo Silva 17. Adriana Turner (Karen) 18. Enrique Castillo (myself)
Sometimes the group grew as a result
of invitations made by some of the members. The opposite also
occurred. As time passed, several of the members left, convinced
that what was going on was fraudulent, or the manifestation of
witchcraft, spiritism, or insane minds. Others left because they
expected something more spectacular.
We met regularly, Tuesdays and
Fridays, at 8:00 p.m.
During another communication, we were told about an old temple
in ruins in Peru', where the true history of humankind was
hidden. But they said that not only in the Peruvian temple was
there such information: It was also hidden in different
locations in Central and South America, where there are lost
cities, located somewhere in the Andean mountain ranges.
Once the riddle is put together, with the information taken from
temples, pyramids, and forgotten cities, humanity will have no
other alternative than to accept the facts of this knowledge,
which is quite different from what we are presently taught about
the history of the planet. All of this was news to us. We were
excited about the possibility that we might be the first to
receive such information.
In a way, we were a privileged group.
Still, sometimes, in spite of having the evidence at our
fingertips, we doubted. By the end of October, 1973, the
"emissaries" from Pleiades announced the date of a physical
contact with them.
The moment had arrived, and we were prepared!
The Contact
By late October, 1973,
during one of the telepathic sessions with the "Emissaries from
Pleiades," they announced to me an appointment for November 3,
near a non disclosed lake.
Having been chosen as the only
person in Colombia to undergo such a relationship, I suffered a
series of experiences related to its preparation. The first one
was during a dream.
During four successive nights, I repeatedly saw faces pointing
to a lake surrounded by forests and low-hills. Unable to explain
this to my friends of the group, because they probably would
attribute it to abnormal influences over the subconscious, I
decided to keep it to myself and to follow through on my own
with whatever directions I received. It would have been
impossible to explain something that by itself seemed illogical,
Besides, many doubted, given the
failed attempt at La Calera, which in spite of having been
carefully analyzed, still evoked certain suspicions as to its
My friends from space, anticipating this, and interested in the
success of the mission, intensified their personal
communications, detailing the exact coordinates of the place
selected for the meeting. Besides this, they gave me a plan to
follow, once I arrived at the lake and the forest that
surrounded it. I was told to follow the instructions from the
dreams, for finding a clearing. There should be a tree, and
under its roots, hidden by a medium-sized stone, I should find a
sphere, take it in my hand, and walk to the designated place.
They set the time for the meeting at 8:00 p.m. They forbade me
to carry any knives, etc.
I got up early on Saturday, November 3, and afraid of some
unforeseen event, alerted my wife and associates to expect a
possible absence of a few days, without further explanation.
I had lunch as usual and, around one in the afternoon, headed
for the bus station. The bus left at 3:30 p.m. and was on its
way without any unusual incidents, except for the folkloric
activities of the many peasants who boarded or left it along the
After two-and-a-half hours, I got off the bus. It sped off;
leaving behind an annoying cloud of dust. I watched it until it
faded in the distance, while reviewing in my mind the sequence
of events that would lead me to the physical encounter with the
My apparel was simple: cotton trousers, working shoes, a ruana,
and a hat, property of Richard Deeb, which made me look like a
country man, so as to avoid arousing any suspicions. After
taking a look at the scenery and gathering all my forces, I
began walking determinedly. For two hours I walked, stopping
only to regain my breadth. The path was difficult, and the
effort made my heart pound.
I recalled with some fear my childhood difficulties with asthma.
The region was very fertile. Its green color contrasted with the
blue sky. Nature's noises didn't predict anything unusual. Once
in a while, the acute yell of a woman who was not visible,
protested for something that I could not perceive, and disturbed
my thoughts.
Approaching sundown, I arrived at the edge of the lake. Stepping
on soft ground covered with abundant vegetation, I sank into the
mud and got my boots and feet wet, forcing me to climb back to
firm ground and take a detour via a seldom used "bridle path." I
realized that there were two forests, separated by a finger of
the lake, which stretched between them. The water was calm,
breaking quite softly against the shore, driven by a very weak
but chilling breeze.
I checked my automatic watch, trying to figure out if I was
going to be on time, and made a renewed effort to move faster.
The groups of trees were in front of me; I recognized the first
one and walked fast in its direction. When I entered it, I was
impressed by the density of the grove.
No wonder the extraterrestrials
looked for lonely places such as this….
Continue in "UFOs:
A Great New Dawn for Humanity"...
of Enrique Castillo Rincon in BOGOTA, COLOMBIA
The Colombian story is briefly as follows:
Engineer, D. Enrique Castillo
Rincon, president of the Instituto Colombiano de
Investigaciones de Fenomenos Extraterrestres, conferee and
delegate to the Unidentified Flying Objects Investigative
Organization, with home and offices in Bogota, got off the bus
more than 150 kilometers from the capital. It was about 20:00 in
the evening of Saturday, 3 November 1973. This was near the
appointed place (where he had been telepathic told to wait for
He had been told to carry nothing
that could cause harm or damage to anyone or anything. He had
arrived a little in advance of the appointed time because he had
to walk a ways around a small lake, and he didn't want to be
He was wearing a ruana, a kind of poncho, and a sombrero. He
arrived at the site that had been designated before this
appointed time. He had been given his instructions in a
communication prior to embarking on this trip.

left to right
picture from 1992 Garciela Torres -Chela - who first received
the ET-communications.
Enrique C.Rincon
and Mrs. Majorie de Hollman in whose home many instructions and
messages were received in Bogota.
When he arrived near the lake
everything was familiar to him, as if he had been there before,
as if he were now reliving something he had already done before,
and he could see the place that would be marked by the metal
sphere placed there to guide him.
He thought,
"Good this is the place".
"I arrived with great anticipation," Enrique recalled, and
walking too close to the lake, stepped in water up to my
It was very cold. In Bogota our
study group was meditating at this very moment. They were
praying that all would work out well in my anticipated meeting
with the spacecraft."
There were more than 30 others in this study group in Bogota who
had developed a "voice channel" contact some time before with a
communicator who said he was a visitor from another planet to
Earth (remember that this happened 20-25 years before the method
of "channeling"
became "normal").
A number of voice channel recordings
were made and many questions were asked and answered. In
response to a request for a more direct face-to-face meeting,
the group was invited to choose one member from among them to
represent them in such a meeting. They had chosen Rincon,
leaving their "channel" with the group in meditation in Bogota.
"So I forged ahead. I came to the small metal sphere in the
exact site described. I remembered having seen in my preview of
this scene, a woman with a child in her arms and a burro
carrying some wood, and two dogs, and another child walking
along beside. So I waited. Sure enough, they were there too.
They looked at me a little strangely
but continued walking, and I continued walking normally also. I
arrived at the point where I could see two clumps of trees
exactly as I had seen in the preview some time before. I did not
know which was the intended one, so I picked up the sphere and
went into the nearest one thinking, since I had the sphere they
would know where I went."
"The sphere became activated and began to heat up. It was about
the size of a golf ball and was full of small holes. As soon as
I took it into my hands it began to heat up and small rays of
light shot out of the holes. It got so hot that I had to hold it
with the point of my poncho to carry it. I had the impression
that it was something like a compass, but it did not have any
needle, or anything else. It was a metallic sphere of some
material like stainless steel.
I went into the clump of trees
remembering mentally that over there was where I had seen a
clearing. I reached it about 20:10, some 10 minutes late. I was
worried about this. I still had the sphere in my hands and I
looked around me but didn't se anything unusual. I looked up and
saw only branches and leaves.
Then I heard something like a
distant boat motor which was lost in the distance. I waited in
the woods as the minutes passed terribly slow. I looked at my
watch and it was now 20:15.
I thought,
'Dear God, what is going to
happen? Protect me in any case.'
I began to feel fear. It gave me a
sincere fright. There I was, representing all the people who
were praying for me, and thinking of backing out. I decided I
will not give up. At 20:25 I began to hear a tremendous noise. I
was in the woods and could not tell where it was coming from.
Suddenly the whole area was illuminated brilliantly.
Two huge craft approached and passed
directly over me. They came streaming water as if they had come
from the bottom of the lake. Water cascaded from the sides like
from a submarine when it surfaces. I waited breathless as I
watched. They flew over me and the whole area warmed up from the
They must have put out a tremendous amount of energy."

"These craft were flattened disc-forms, and underneath I could
see something that rotated, and below that, saw three large
white round parts that turned slowly a colored light came out.
These gigantic objects, such tremendous spectacle, gave me new
cause for alarm. And then it fell silent. I could only hear a
very low sound dying down. They hung there in the sky, about 100
meters between the two as best I could calculate. These objects
were shaped like huge soup plates joined at the rims. They were
about 45 meters in diameter and about 12 from top to bottom. I
could see the cupola on top very clearly.
The light slowly dimmed down leaving only a small bright light
source illuminated. It lighted only the area directly under the
craft. Then one of the ships began to approach. The other
remained quietly in place. It gave me new fright to see this
tremendous monster so close. And then it stopped, suspended
above the small stream there, and two lateral beams of light
came on. These new beams shined down and I saw two beings
descending in them as in an elevator.
In their descent they disappeared
behind the trees from my position, and I couldn't see them land.
Then I heard their steps as they approached. At this moment all
of the lights on the spacecraft went out and they remained
completely silent."
"After seeing the tremendous luminosity, bright as day, I
couldn't see anything when the light went out, and then I heard
the steps of the beings, and then I saw them at about 10 meters
away. They approached separated one from the other. They wore
helmets and suits that seemed very fitted, and I could see them
clearly as they neared me.
Then I heard the first telepathic
'Brother, we are here. Do not
fear. We are your friends.'
I tried to coordinate my ideas and
'Yes, why not, I am not afraid'.
Then I heard the voice say,
'I am your friend, Enrique, do
not be afraid'.
I shook my head. I could see that
they were tall, more than a meter seventy in stature. When they
came up to within two meters of me he said,
'I am your friend. Do not be
I said, 'Yes', and the other
said, 'If you are not ready we can suspend this until
another day. If you are not afraid, we can continue this
contact and we may ascend aboard.'
I said I was ready and took a step
forward so that they could see that I had lost my fear.
They noticed that I was still a little wary, and one of them
took me by the hand and the other by my shoulder and said,
'Walk with us up to the light.'
We went a few meters forward and one
of them said,
'Straight ahead. You feel a
little worry in your head and in your body, but nothing is
going to happen to you.'
The other said,
'Brother Enrique, we guarantee
it. We do not want to cause you any harm. Moreover, if you
are still afraid, you may return and we will prepare this
for another day.'
I could not see their faces for the
I asked if the helmets had visors, and a form of visor
raised a little in front of one, showing the nose and mouth but
partly covering the mouth, which had a rectangular shape. I
could not see the mameluco (space suit) well because of
the dark, and I could not see up to now exactly what color they
were. Then they stopped me and said they could sense a little
At that moment the spacecraft came forward and flashed a
ray of light.

recreation of the
situation - years later, in 1978,
of Enrique's
encounter in the woods by the lake
I felt tremendous thrills and some
twitching in all the skin of my head, like needle picking me. I
stood erect and began to ascend.
When I saw that I was leaving the
trees below, I thought,
'What if I should fall.'
I continued to ascend like in an
elevator. I was surrounded by a yellowish light. It gave me the
impression of being solid. I tried to touch it with my hands and
it felt solid like crystal.
It must have been only energy,
because I did not see crystal; I didn't see anything, but when I
touched the light it felt solid I felt a thump and then a port
began to open, and there it was fully open and I was inside and
it closed. A moment later the other two
entered, removed their helmet and smiled.
They had taken their
helmets off so I could see their faces."

picture: this
reminds of the first meeting that the Norwegian contact person
Arve Jacobsen had in the early 70ths
HGe also asked to
see the eyes of the man-like ET -
who raised the
visit and when Arve then saw his eyes he says he felt immediate
"They asked me for the sphere, which
I gave them, and then they said,
'Wait here. Take off your
And I took everything off. They
opened an automatic port and we entered. Then they opened a side
port, like a window and looked at me smiling.
I heard a voice
'Do not be afraid, we are going
to enter a little smoke, but this is necessary. Do not be
In spite of their assurances, I
associated this immediately with the Nazi' gassing of the Jews.
I did not see where the smoke came from, but it came in and it
smelled like lemon. It only lasted a minute and was then drawn
out through some rectangular openings in the wall and
Then I noticed that there was no
shadow from my body anywhere and I thought,
'Where is the light coming
I could not see any lamps."
"Then they gave me my clothes which I put on, leaving the
and "sombrero" aside.
They opened a door and said,
'Now you may proceed'
They explained that the process was
simply to disinfect everything from whatever microbes we may
have brought from the Earth's surface."
"I went into the first compartment that they opened, and there
were four persons seated there waiting for me.
I came to the
first one and he said,
'Enrique, how are you?' and gave
me his hand.
He gave me his hand like we shake
hands and said,
'How are you, brother?'
'I am going to shake your hand,'
said another, 'This,' indicating the first, 'is the
He said his name was what sounded
like Cramish. I gave him my hand and he gave me some thumps on
it. The rest greeted me this way also. The only one who did not
give me his hand was the first who had said,
'Brother Enrique.'
He now turned to me and said,
'I am Ciril.'
I said, 'How are you, Ciril,'
and he said 'Ciril, Ciril Weiss, remember in 1969 in Caracas
Venezuela, at the entrance to the theater, when we met?
And I said, 'Ciril Weiss! But
you are a little changed. And what are you doing here?'
And he said, 'I am one the crew
of this ship.'
I was terribly surprised. He said,
'We have been in contact with
you for 8 years.
I understood now why they had given
me their hands like Terrans. Then he presented me to the others.
There was one by the name of Cramecan, another named Krulula, an
Krenza, and then he told me that his name was not no Ciril, but
Krhisnamerk. The name sounded Hindu. They all spoke
telepathically except the one who spoke first, who articulated
words to me in perfect Spanish."
"They seated me there at a table, as of crystal, with seats of a
material like plastic with a leather-like finish. The beings
were all dressed alike, except the had two types of suits. Some
wore silver colored outfit and others has suits of a Coca-Cola
color. There were others who had similar suits in a dark gray
color with orange gauntlets and orange boots. One of them took
of his gauntlets so I could see his hands, which were perfectly
formed. Their faces were beautiful and without blemishes and
imperfections, but clean like a child. Their hair was long,
coming almost to their shoulders.
Cramecan told me that he is the
commander of that ship and that there are 12 crew members. They
are making contact's in order to divulge to them clearly what is
going to happen on this Earth.
I asked him what kind of contacts,
and he said,
'Men like you.'
He didn't say more on this and I did
not pursue the subject further. I then asked him if they had
women aboard, and he said,
'Yes we have women with us, but
at the moment we will not see them.'
Then I remembered that he could read
my thoughts before I asked the question and knew I was going to
ask it before I even formed the words."
"We began with the first questions. I had brought many questions
given me by the study group. Almost all of them were of a
religious nature. I did not want to ask those at this time. I
began by asking them where they were going to get their contacts
and why they had chosen me. They told me that my name was not
really Enrique. They told me another name which I still have
revealed to nobody. I am waiting to see what develops in all of
this first.
I got the impression that they knew
something about previous incarnations of mine for some reason. I
asked then where they came from and they in reply said,
I asked them,
'where are the
Pleiades' and they said, 'It is what you call The Seven
And then I remembered that it is a
small constellation having seven bright stars. I asked them how
far it was from here, and they said,
'You say that it is more than
328 light years from here, which is not true. It is much
Later they told their home-place as
'SHI-EL-LHO', the name which they called their home sun
somewhere in what we call the Pleiades.
So I asked them,
'How did you make the trip?'
Perhaps I was asking them infantile
questions, but for me they were important.
'How did you make such a long
They answered, 'Do you know anything about
They told me that Albert Einstein's
theory was not complete, that we are going to have to make three
corrections; that the velocity of light is not in fact 300,000
kilometers per second as we believe, but much more. And they
went on to explain details that I could not follow. Then they
told me that there is another measure of time, unknown to us, in
which we can not remain long (in physical bodies). I did not
pursue this further after that."
"They took me to visit various rooms. I saw a room for
meditation. They said it was where they rest and meditate. It
was beautifully appointed, with tremendously exquisite brocades.
Another room was a laboratory where there were flasks of a green
substance. I asked about this and they said that it was
chlorophyll which they had extracted from our trees, a substance
vital to their own alimentary system.
They use it in preparing various
food items. They had fruits also. They told me they ate much
fruit from South America. They particularly liked the
duraznos (peaches) and melocotones (apricots), and
they carried much fruit, corn, wheat, rice and other vegetable
To compensate for what they had
taken, they used an ionizing radiant beam that accelerated the
life process of the plants and caused them to replace their
fruit in a few hours. I didn't quite understand this, that they
could project a radiation that could accelerate the growth and
maturity of the plants from which they had taken produce and
cause it to be replaced in hours. This was incredible.
I began to understand another thing.
They knew about biological engineering and could control the
genetic codes by means of a process which they called
consubstantion. By this process they could continue the life
forces of a cell forever."
"They told me they were there on a mission. They belong to a
brotherhood of civilizations, with others, from which they had
received specific orders for our world. They pointed out that we
have always been guided indirectly by certain great
personalities who have passed through our civilizations
throughout history. Those so-called Masters, some approaching
divinity, have always had contact with extraterrestrials. I had
a feeling that these beings had been sent on a mission
pertaining to the evolution of our planet."
"Then Cramacan, the Commander, permitted me to visit the
control room where I saw great electronic maps on a wall. I saw
the great panorama around us through the green glass cupola.
There were three men seated, and as we entered they came over
and greeted me and then returned to the control panels of the
craft. The control room was the third level, under the dome on
the top of this craft. When I saw the maps he took me to them
and explained that they were cosmic maps.
I could not understand them. I saw
small lights. They moved a control and I saw small lights like
neon, in various colors, begin to take form on the map panel.
There were points of light and lines of light, and some of the
lines were indefinite. Some of the greater points of light
represented Galaxies and Nebulas. They said that many thousands
of inhabited planets are in contact with each other and exchange
cultural, technological and scientific information.
Some are tremendously advanced in
spiritual and scientific evolution. I asked which planets, and
he said it would be needless to tell me as the names would mean
nothing to me anyway. He told me that where the lines between
the the lights were brighter there was regular commerce; these
dimmer ones were under exploration. The indefinite ones were
lesser developed. They were on the map but they lacked thousands
of years of development before they were ready for contact."
"They do have a sense of time because they talked of millions of
years, but I had difficulty coordinating this with their
discussion of laws of relativity (where time changes). Also they
seem to be aware of future time because they told me that we are
going to experience a third world war, and that they know
exactly when it will start.
They desire that all men unite in
one thought, to seek real peace for the whole planet without
distinction of race, creed or color; that in the next few years
we are going to make the greatest discovery in the history of
the planet, the discovery of God, the final truth.
'But how is this possible,' I
said, 'if we already believe in God?'
Their answer was,
'You have never believed in
God in a normal form,' and I think I know what they
They called it a great unknowable,
preferring to give the force no name. They told me that we have
to distinguish between the inner and the outer forces, and I
began to understand that we have searched for God outside
when in reality IT is within, and that the kingdom of God
is in every one of us. We must understand this first before we
will live in peace and understanding with all men."
"They told me that they were in a way emissaries of beings
superior to them, and that they had been the destroyers of Sodom
and Gomorra! This gave me a great sensation.
I said,
'How can you be judges? How can
you destroy a nation with thousands of people, including
many innocents?'
They said,
'You cannot comprehend this now.
We will try to explain. We were emissaries of forces
superior to us that govern the Cosmos, and when they give us
an order, we carry it out, and in the case of Sodom and
Gomorra it was exactly that.
They sent emissaries, they
warned the people and they refused to understand and would
not believe that which was happening over their heads. The
hour arrived and it had to be destroyed.'
I thought,
'How could they be the judges,'
and I said that I could not understand, that I would not go
into detail, but that I also could not understand.
For me it was not important to know
at that time, because there were other things.
They told me the time of the beginning of the third world war,
and told me also that they had been the inspirers and the
consultants on the building of the great pyramids, where they
have placed many years of the Earth's history. In the future, we
are going to discover two cities in South America where there
are records of the origin of the Earth's races, how they came
here, how the history was written and why it was done."
"They told me the time of the beginning of world war III and
said that we could delay that time 3 or 4 years and its
intensity by a condition of heart, that mankind alone could do
this, because they are not permitted to interfere with nor
restrict the freedom of action of a civilization such as is
developing here. I understood what they meant quite clearly and
didn't have to ask twice. They answered all my questions
"When I asked them if we could go someplace, they said,
'We are already traveling, from
the moment you entered the craft we have been traveling.'
They took me to a special panel
there, like a great telescope, which I was allowed to look
through, and it gave me the strange impression that I had gone
out of there into space, which was very still. There was no
feeling of acceleration. It felt like the aircraft was standing
still and not moving at all. I didn't hear any sound and I
couldn't detect the least movement.
They seated me in front of a panel
which they opened and said,
'Here is your house.'
We seemed stationary some 5,000 to
10,000 meters above it, and they focused it into the telescopic
device. They said it was an electronic device, but it had to be
very advanced over any electronic telescope of ours, because it
could penetrate walls and metals, and I could see my family
I asked them if we could look at something else, and
the craft, which had been hovering over my house now began to
move about, and I looked at the two great avenues (in the city)
and saw the autos and the people in the streets."
"Time passed and we talked much. I looked at my watch, and had
to look again. It read 20:25.
Krhisnamerk said,
'Your watch is not going to
function until you leave this craft.' and he laughed.
I asked him what caused this and he
'Precisely when you came within
the field of this craft and its energy force it stopped. It
may not work again.'
They must have a different notion of
time from ours, because I did not see clocks of any kind aboard.
He just smiled and dropped the subject I did not want to bother
him about how long I had been aboard, as it did not matter
anyway. He told me things about all our religions which at this
time I do not want to divulge (rřpe).
He told me something about the
Fatima letter, which they seemed to know all about. At that time
I understood though, and I understood also something that I had
learned in a Mormon Church, that hidden in the heart of all men,
are the great truths of all time, waiting to be awakened, and
that this awakening must come from within. We talked about many
other things that came to mind."
"They gave me a kind of chocolate bar, sealed in plastic, which
I opened and ate. It had a taste like 'sabajon', a kind of mild
liquor sold in Colombia, and my hunger disappeared completely.
And then he said,
'We have something that we want
to give you that is very important.'
My body began to warm up all over.
'You are going to eat something
very interesting and which you will like very much.'
They brought me something like large
white corn taco and told me to eat it. I broke it and put some
in my mouth. In a moment I felt a tremendous sensation and warm
I thought at that moment that they
were drugging me.
'Ciril' Krhisnamerk said 'Do you
know what they called that? The Jews were fed on that for 40
years in the desert.'
'The manna of the scriptures,' I
'No more, no less,' was the
reply 'You are eating manna and you will not get hungry for
24 hours. It gives you tremendous energy; it is prepare for
Then ideas began to rush into my
head, so fast I could not coordinate them. I thought of Elias
and of Moses, and then I returned to the present. I felt like I
was going crazy.
They laughed and simply observed,
'We were one of those who helped
the Jews. Our great ship were always camouflaged. They could
be made invisible by a simple change of vibrational energy,
right over the heads of the people, and they could not see
"I couldn't understand this then,
and I can't today. I have a little more knowledge about it now
but I still do not completely understand. The public has asked
many questions and I have tried to answer but I must confess
(tilstĺ) my ignorance concerning a civilization so advanced as
this, and they were trying to simplify everything as much as
possible so that I could understand it better."
"After eating the substance it made me sleepy, and they let me
sleep about three hours. Then they came and wakened me. I was
lying on a very comfortable bed, and where I had been lying I
left the imprint of my body.
'Pardon me Enrique, you have
awakened because we gave you a suggestion to awaken at this
point. You are going to receive your last information and it
is time we left you in the place where we met you,' a voice
Cramacan had gone someplace and did
not return. We circled the eastern plains and they showed me a
site that was illuminated like day. It was the site where we
would next meet.
'look well and observe the
highway. Here we will meet again on the 18th of this month
at 8:00 in the evening.'
They lowered the ship and passed
slowly so that I could see the place well. I saw that the
highway was long and ran through the mountains. I tried to
remember all I could of the place, thinking I may have to come
here by horse."
"Then they took me back and left me in the exact place where
they had picked me up. They bid me good-bye with a form of
embrace. With Ciril Weiss, I always talked in Spanish.
The others bid me good-bye with
strokes on the shoulder.
'We will see you' Ciril said,
and I descended to the ground.
They left me off about 05:00 in the
morning. I slept a little, awakened and saw that my watch was
running and indicated 11:15. I left the place running as fast as
I could. I wanted to tell the whole world what had happened.
The first person I met was a farmer
leading a burro, and I said,
'Pardon me sir, what time is
He replied, 'Almost 8, 08:00 in the morning sir.'
I calculated that I had slept about
three hours."
"When I caught the bus at the road I wanted to tell everybody. I
wanted to tell the whole world what I had just lived, and I
wanted to embrace all men. I was happy. When I returned to the
house I had left the night before I found some 60 people
awaiting me."
"I met with the man who had made the telepathic contacts, and
began to give him the first information about the experience. I
told him about the war and its timing, and the great
destruction, and the great religious power around the Earth, and
the years that remained of normal life. Nobody believed me, of
course. They thought I was attacking religion and society for
some reason of my own. I did not say much more then nor ever in
public, because I could see that it would cause confusion and
possibly even harm.
I could only hope that someday all
men would arrive at an understanding of the things I had just
been shown.
That is all that I can say about that first contact
Comments from Wendelle Stevens
author of the book "UFO
This was amazing!
Enrique Carlos Rincon had
received almost the same information from Pleiadians as was
outlined to
Eduard Meier in Switzerland, by other
Pleiadians, only a little over a year later.
The philosophy
expressed and the criticism of our world deficiencies was almost
identical, yet nothing had been released out of the Bogota group
until some time after the Swiss contacts began. Even more
astounding was the receptivity of the UFO community over these
momentous events unfolding before their very eyes.
An International UFO Congress was
gathered in Acapulco in 1978 to assess the world UFO situation
up to that time. It was well organized and well attended. One of
the featured speakers at that congress was Enrique Carlos
Rincon, who very briefly described his contacts with Pleiadian
His lecture was coolly received and politely put down by
all the "experts" there, presumably because it had happened to
him and not them.
Jim Lorenzen of
APRO, or of the stronger advocates of
contactee phenomenon at a time when most other clubs were
throwing them out, sat next to Rincon at the speakers table for
three full days and never asked for more details on Rincons
contact experiences, and never published anything on Rincon's
report, although I had by that time briefed him on what I found
happening in Switzerland. He didn't believe me and he didn't
believe Rincon.
I never told him about any of the
other Pleiadian cases I was encountering. He still refuses to
accept any validity to any Pleiadian contact case. It was after
that that I discovered the Acaya contacts going on in Peru, and
learned that Pleiadian ETs were discussing almost the same
spiritual philosophies and scenario of events concerning our
world and that witness was unaware of the other two, and they of
him and his contacts.
I knew nothing then of the Pleiadian
contacts going on with Pedro Romaniuk in Argentina or
others with Deverus in Arkansas, here in the U.S.A. and again
the philosophies and scenario of events was very similar. They
all came under severe criticism for what they were revealing and
so they all began to hold back and release less and less to the
world. That is the situation we are in today.
Amazing indeed!
MORE from this first meeting - now from
the book of Enrique:
Here from page 63 in the book where
Enrique asks how they can know so much about things on earth.
And they answer:
"It is very easy - making our ships invisible, camouflaging them
above your cities, thanks to a special vibratory field, we fly
practically above your head, yet you do not notice it. We fool
your radars, creating confusion with our maneuvers. We handle
our ships whatever way we want to. Those are the advantages of
our technology. On the other hand, we have people on the ground,
blended with the humans, who daily walk the streets and avenues
of your large and small towns, as in my instance back in 1969.
Many of us are among you. "
At this point it occurred to me to ask once more about the
super-high velocities they achieved to move through space, how
they had traveled from the Pleiades to Earth, and whether they
could give me any more information without harming their own
interests. Cyril took me with two other crewmen to a section
where the machine that generated the power used for their
displacements was located. My heart beat quickly. What emotion
to become perhaps the first Earthling to see in operation the
"engine" that propelled the ship!
When we entered the security zone, Commander Kramier was
waiting for us.
He must have entered through an alternate
access-way. When we entered, several alarms were activated, with
a signal that went directly to the belts of the crew. They
explained that the other crewmen had been warned about our
presence in the propulsion area, which was also apparent at the
remote control panels in other areas. Ahead of us was a window
embedded in a metal wall, and in front of it were two
comfortable chairs. They invited me to sit in one of the chairs
and get close to the window. Wonder of wonders!
In the innards of the ship, a group of three great diamonds or
crystals rotated slowly around a vertical shaft extending from
ceiling to floor, which turned also, in the opposite direction.
The colors and shades of the shaft surface were like a
kaleidoscope of pure crystal. I was truly fascinated by the
gorgeous spectacle. When I removed my face from the window, to
ask some questions, I sensed that my features probably showed
some pallor. The crewmen, smiling, watched me carefully.
addressed Cyril, but the Commander answered, guessing my
"Those are crystals, not diamonds. We call them 'memory
crystals;' they are programmable and receive information from
the 'main transducer' (the rotating shaft). We also call them
'living crystals.' We obtain them on a certain planet, where
they grow and reproduce."
I had noticed that the crystals rotated around themselves,
united to a base that also turned around the ''main
transducer,'' or shaft. The crystals must have been about
seventy centimeters in diameter, maybe less. I was watching the
same movement as of the Earth around the Sun, but in miniature!
I was breathless, but the answer to my next question left me
even more flabbergasted.
"Commander, could you speed up
the movement of the crystals, so I can see better the colors
and reflections?"
"No, Enrique, "he answered, 'it is not possible while you
are here on board. If we speed up the rotation for only two
minutes, when you get off the ship, more than 200 Earth
years will have elapsed. As you well can understand, we
cannot do it."
Anguish overcame me. I thought about
my family, my friends, and how the Planet might change in 200
years, if the extraterrestrial were telling me the truth, and
all this could happen almost instantaneously. I thought, here,
Einstein's relativity theories come into place. I could not stop
feeling astonished.
To calm me, the Commander addressed
me once more (my anguish centered on the possibility that
someone of the crew could speed up the crystals, forgetting that
I still was aboard the ship, and I could become marooned 200
years in the future, knowing no one, without a family, in a
totally changed world).
"No, Enrique, that is not
possible while you are here on board. I am the one who
commands the ship mentally, and we have thus reduced the
possibilities for error. If something should happen to me,
other members of the crew have authority to carry out the
mind-machine integration, where the coupling takes place
directly by means of mental impulses, to the 'transducer and
crystals' program.
The mental energy that we
deliver is translated as flight energy. That is why we told
you that 'we have just left. 'For us, the time factor is not
a problem; we live in a present that modifies the future.
That is why the future is 'malleable' and cannot be
predicted with certainty. Not so the past; that is already
history and is unmodifiable."
With their hands over their folded
arms, two of them watched my reactions to the information they
were giving me, so crazy-sounding to my flimsy terrestrial
Inside my brain, questions stirred without answers. I was facing
one of the greatest opportunities in history and could not
manage to pose good questions. Because of my ignorance, perhaps
I was wasting the chance to acquire great knowledge.
I was the living proof that
collective reactions can be fatal for our civilization, for I
could not integrate within myself how they could travel at the
speed of thought without suffering physical alterations.
How had
they solved the problem?
Perhaps their bodies had some different
organs, or were they a race that had achieved mastery over Life
and Death?
Later I would obtain an answer that may be the key as to how
they vanquished the barrier of disease and death.
But for
comprehending how the mental energy referred to by the Commander
and Cyril was produced, I had yet to witness another sensational
show. That same "mental force" that reached the "transducer,"
achieved the vertiginous speed of thought.
I could not recover
from my astonishment.
Why did they tell and teach me such
And what was the role I played, or was about to play, in
light of this avalanche of information?
How were people going to
believe me?
Was there a preconceived plan, prior to my contact?
What were their real motivations?
As I wrote these lines in the year 1976 (and in the twenty years
since then), the panorama was (and is) still unclear.
To be
true, I do not know the motivations for why I was chosen for
contact with the extraterrestrials. Maybe, in the course of
time, when more results are obtained from research carried out
by scientists in all disciplines, it will become clear not only
what was the reason for my contact, but also what is the logical
explanation for all encounters with intelligent citizens from
outer space.
While reflecting on all this aboard their ship, I was directed
to climb a ladder going up to a walkway. We arrived at the great
hall, at whose center the "kaleidoscope" or "transducer"
rotated, the same that I had seen through the visor. The room
appeared to be devoid of furniture or visible accoutrements. We
stopped at the entrance.
Cyril and Kninula escorted the
Commander. Kramakan arrived, and then some additional crew
appeared through another entrance at the opposite side of the
room. They were twelve altogether. I thought, how is the ship
traveling, if the total crew is twelve?
Eight of the extraterrestrials wore the dull-gray uniform, and
the other four, including Commander Kramier, were dressed in the
"reddish-brown" type.
Thought-power of the ship
"All of a sudden, before my weary eyes and already tired senses,
twelve chairs emerged from the floor. They looked like dentist's
chairs, located in a circle around the transducer. Then, lo and
behold, from the ceiling dropped twelve helmets, similar to
motorcycle helmets, which descended onto the heads of each of
the crew members, as soon as they sat in the chairs.
The four with the different uniform
sat precisely equidistant. They held hands in "padlock fashion,"
each one holding the arm of the next, until the circle was
complete. I, from my observation post, watched the scene in
complete surprise. This ritual lasted perhaps one minute; then
the helmets retracted up into the ceiling, the company stood up
and released each other's hands, and the chairs collapsed into
the floor.
All of them returned to their normal duties, except Kramier and
Cyril, who now watched me, waiting for my customary questions.
They said that I had seen them liberate their mental energy to
the transducer, where it would be converted into flight energy!
(as also told in the book "A spacewomen speaks" - overstate her)
With the extraterrestrials, everything was surprising. Had they
performed this ritual with the sole purpose of being seen? But,
what was their purpose, and to whom should I tell about it? It
was obvious that they did it so that I would tell about it. But
to whom?
We came back to the control room. Through the observation panel,
I realized that we had covered many kilometers, moving at
random. My eyelids were very heavy, and I was tired.
"Are you sleepy, Enrique, would
you like to rest?"
It was evident, and the Commander
ordered the others to take me some place to rest.
All of them stood up, and Cyril led
the way.
"you are going to rest,
Kninula went with us; he didn't
leave us for a second. We walked out to a straight corridor, no
longer than four meters, and reached another room, whose door
opened automatically, without using any manual control.
The room was well-lighted, and four beds appeared before us.
Cyril told me to choose one; then I lay down. The bed was very
soft and yielding, the surface leather-like.
It conformed to the shape of my body
as I shifted positions.
"Sleep well don't worry, we will
wake you up."
They said goodbye, and the door
closed. With my hands under my cheek, sideways, and my legs
folded, I dropped into a comforting and refreshing sleep. My
last thought was about asking for concrete proofs of my contact,
to show my family and friends. Then I knew no more.
A strong pull at my brain woke me up, as if someone had touched
a nerve. Upon sitting up, I saw Cyril and Kninula.
"Enrique, please excuse the way
we have awakened you, we have impacted your brain with a
psychic order," said Kninula. "We are going to give you some
final information, because the time is approaching to drop
you where we picked you up."
I stood up quickly, feeling as
though I had slept many hours, totally rested and with renewed
energies. Back in the room visited previously, the Commander and
another crewman were waiting for us.
"We want you to remember the
A Third World War is inevitable
Men will have a
four-year grace-period to attempt to attenuate it, in
accordance with their behavior
Only the mental state of
mankind can ease its effects: it is squarely your problem"
Then they took me to the main
control room, and advised me:
"We are going to take a short
trip, so that you can memorize the details of the place you
are going to see."

Through the wide window, they showed
me great valleys, covered with rich vegetation, until we reached
some low, flat lands.
"This is what you call 'Los
Llanos Orientales' (the Eastern Prairies - above
The whole place was illuminated, as
if it were daylight.
"Pay attention to that road and
that dirt path. Our next meeting will be right there.
Memorize the location."
The place was fenced with barbed
wire. A battered wooden gate, ready to fall off, was the
entryway to the pasture grounds. They gave me a name. I quickly
memorized it, besides recording the details of the terrain,
after repeated over-flights above the area.
Years later, I still wondered why
they selected such a remote place.
"The date for next meeting will
be November 18, at 8:00p.m. Enrique, don't forget."
With a nod, I told them that
everything had been duly registered. I was sure to find the
place with no trouble.
"We are getting close, look."
In minutes, the ship had covered the
distance between the cattle farm on the lowlands and the
location in the highlands where I had been picked up…
"The second meeting took
place on the 18th of the same month as predicted, and I was gone
26 hours, and the knowledge that I gained was tremendous and
very disturbing, and would completely fill a book by itself.
There is much information that I cannot tell anybody, not even
my friends in this experience."
"I had gone to the place at the appointed time. It was in
eastern Colombia. The circumstances of this meeting were a
little different. I arrived 15 minutes early, by horse, with a
guide whom I paid 120 pesos.
He left me at the designated place
but was disturbed leaving me in the jungle alone at night.
'They will pick me up here in a
jeep,' I said.
'Ah, you are going to the ranch
of the Fulano de Tal', he said, and I answered, 'Precisely.
That is where I am going.'
'But at these hours it is very
dangerous here. There are tigers (jaguar) about.'
'Do not worry about me,' I said,
'Go in peace.'
I paid him and he departed on his
horse and left me there."
"The meeting did not take place at 8:00 in the evening as
indicated, but more like 03:00 in the morning. I walked 50
meters in this direction, and 50 meters in that, but I did not
leave the site. I kept looking at the clear and cloudless sky
and waited until 03:00, when suddenly 13 spacecraft of various
types arrived! Only one small one descended and landed on 3
Krhisnamrk disembarked saying,
'Brother, here!'
He told me to wait a minute... and
then said,
'Now, come on, enter.'
And I did as invited. Inside, there
were two small beings.
They were not like those of the Pleiades.
They must know different races. He told me that those did not
come from the Pleiades, but from 'Mercury', and they took me in
that small craft. The small craft sat on three legs, and had a
diameter of 4 to 5 meters, and was no more than 2 meters 20
It had two levels inside. We now
entered through a cabin that had a metal stair, like in
submarines, that went to the upper level which was the control
room. I did not see much of the ship as they transported us to a
mother-ship almost immediately."
"I did not want to ask why such a long wait, though I was
thinking that I could have been attacked by a snake or a tiger.
If I had been bitten by one of the poisonous snakes, where could
I go in the 5 minutes I would have to do something? the same
with a tiger (jaguar). Then I remembered that I had not been bitten by
even a mosquito, an impossibility, unless the zone was protected
in some way.
Then I thought that the reason for
the long delay may have been a test of my patience. They did not
tell me this, but I had the feeling that they had tested me to
see how long my patience would last. I was happy that I had
passed their test. They opened the port and lowered the ladder
and we left the ship."
"They explained that two of the strange craft, very different
from the others, with a bow structure some-thing like a great
whale were relieving the smog and air pollution of
Bogota. I saw another with a similar bow structure, and they
said a ship like that was the 'whale' that swallowed Jonah.
These points of scripture kept
coming up, and I thought,
'These extraterrestrials have
certainly had contact with many of our prophets.'
This may lead us to a new concept of
cosmic theology, as I told the Congress of Witchcraft, where
mankind may become truly united with the superior entities,
which we shall proudly call brothers when we ascend to that
understanding, when we make contact with these intelligence's en
"They did not let me off in the same place as they had picked me
up this time. They left me much closer and near the highway. I
asked them why they did not make contact with more people and
with governments, and they said I would have an experience that
would show me one reason why they were not doing this."
"It was getting daylight, and must have been about 05:30 in the
morning when they brought me in the small craft with the three
crew members to let me off. In the farms of the plains many
people get up early to feed their animals and milk cows. The
small craft made a circle over some people below. There were two
men milking cows in a small shed behind a house. They saw the
bright light and jumped up; the cow kicked one and also knocked
over the pail of milk, and both men ran like they had seen the
We shot up rapidly behind some
clouds where they couldn't see us. Then the farmer came out and
the two men pointed up, moving their arms excitedly. A woman
came out drying her hands and a child of about 8 years, and they
all looked up but couldn't see anything.
We were still in the cloud.
'Observe their reaction,' said
'Yes, no need to explain, we
have caused panic, but these people are farmers,' I said.
'Now we will try an experiment
with slightly different people,' the ET said.
And we flew to the highway where we
saw a truckload of cattle approaching.
We let it pass on. Behind it was a Jeep which we also let pass.
Then came a pick-up and an automobile, very close together 100
to 120 meters apart. We let them pass.
'There comes a car alone, there
is no other within kilometers,' the ET said.
We took a position above and held
that so that I could see. I could see through an electronic
apparatus which they had, that inside the auto were two men wit
suit-coats and soft ties. One was driving while the other sat at
his side talking.
In the rear seat another man had his collar
turned up and was sleeping.

The gentlemen seemed to be cultured
middle class people from their dress and the appearance of their
We descended In front and hovered along side of the road.
They were so surprised to see us so unexpectedly that the two
men in front opened their doors to exit running.
The other knowing nothing of what was taking place, fell off the
seat when the driver hit the brakes. He stuck his head out of
the window and yelled something, because I saw his mouth open.
When he saw our craft parked above
an to the side, he got out running and tore (rev av) his coat
trying to scramble through a barbed wire fence.
'That is the reaction of
everyone,' said my companion, 'Do you think that answers the
'Brothers,' I said, 'though I
know that I am with you, and this is the second time we have
met, and knowing that you are living beings much advanced in
evolution, there are many things which still do not
understand. I hope that in time I may be able to do so.'
I felt very honored and considerably
They continued giving me information
up to the last experience in Peru."
"That took place on the
25th of July 1974, when Guadalupe and Monserrat, professed
spacemen, met me in Bogota. It was about five in the morning,
and I spent 45 minute in a spacecraft talking to them. We
remained on the ground in the spacecraft and did not fly.
craft rested on three feet, and was of
the Adamski type but much
smaller. It was not very big.

This craft could not have been more
than 9 meters in diameter and no more than 2.80 meters in
Those spacemen that I saw then - were no more than
and a half meters tall. All of them were alike, light colored,
and looked much like those of the Pleiades but smaller.
I have
seen others from Orion, Orton, Yamaru, Yonica, Yaraka and other
Some of them also had no women with them.
In the second encounter of the 18th of November, I saw two
women, and very beautiful they were, for a few minutes. And I
saw at that time, on the mother craft, a very strange being. I
could not tell whether it was a human or an automaton, but they
permitted me to see it. When I was talking with them in the
ship, an automatic port opened and one of them passed by. It had
a large head like a basketball with a transparent case.
thought I could see the brains, and the veins and the organs,
and the eyes were large and moved like those of an iguana, and
could look on all sides.
It walked like it was a robot, with
a thin gray uniform and boots and gauntlets of a dark blue and
some colored buttons at the waist, which was thin like a woman,
which with their broad shoulders gave them a triangular aspect.
The door opened, there was a light, and it entered. We all
turned to look as I continued talking to them. I did not ask
about it. For the first time I saw a kind of symbol, on its
back, at the shoulder.
Up to this time I had not seen any kind
of mark or symbol.
This was the first I had seen, and it was very strange. I have
tried to draw the symbol since then but I have forgotten one of
the upper parts. It was a kind of an "H" but it had something
else above, and I can not remember what it was. I had the
feeling that they had let me see this creature, to know that
such did exist. I saw also a gigantic being of 2 meters 80, whom
they told me was a Jovian.
He never spoke to me, and he always
kept his hands crossed. He watched me with a smile the whole
time and never said a single word. He seemed to understand all."
"A strange thing happened with my ball-point pen. I took out my
pen to sketch the solar system for a question that had come from
an anonymous letter delivered to the newspaper "El Tiempo"
of Bogota. The writer had allegedly made contact with
beings that looked like Hindus, who operated a flying saucer.
They told him that they came from a
planet similar to Earth, that it was Earth's twin and occupied
the same orbit, but on the opposite side of the sun, for which
we never saw it. I wanted to ask if there was such a
possibility, and I took out my pen and paper to sketch the orbit
and see if I could make them understand. When I produced the pen
they all displayed great curiosity, especially the Jovian.
Krhisnamerk told me to let him see
it. He took it apart and examined it and then gave it back.
I asked why the pen was of such
interest, and Krhisnamerk said,
'It is be cause we have one very
similar, but you must see it, and they produced one fastened
by a line to the table'
'Write something. Here are
I took the pages which were almost
transparent, and paused over them.
'Write whatever you like; make a
Then this happened.
They asked me if I could paint the house where lived as a child,
if I could remember it, and I said yes.
'But paint it, I can't even
draw,' I said.
'Make any thing.'
I said I painted a butterfly when I
was a little boy in school, and they said do that then. So I
began by pressing the point, which was finer than ours, but the
moment I pressed the button the pen began to vibrate in my hand,
and I heard a small sound, and felt a slight vibration. But the
most surprising thing came the moment I began drawing the
It came out in relief and in exact colors.
I stared,
'But how is this possible'
And they laughed and explained,
'Whatever you have your mind is captured and sketched exactly as
you think it, in colors, and in exact scale and size. This
apparatus captures exactly the vibration, the color, the size of
what you think and produces it accurately. The apparatus
receives the vital image and translates it then into a sketch.'
was stupefied, and I then understood their interest in my pen
which looked similar."
"After that, on the 24th and 25th of December l974 they took me
to an energy vortices in the Andes.
I was in Caracas attending a
conference when they contacted and arranged a meeting. I boarded
the spacecraft between two small villages near Caracas. One is
called El Juiquito and the other, where many Germans live, is
called Colonia Tovar. From there they took me to the vortice
five minutes. It was in the uplands of Peru, at 4,200 meters
altitude, between
Marcahuasi and
"These beings have submarine bases in lake Titicaca and under
the seas. I was taken to one of the bases the Mariana Trench. I
am writing a science fiction story to be able to detail what is
going on in the marine depths. By some manner I am going to give
this information to the world, and I believe the time has come.
We are going to make, together with others in Venezuela, kind of
census of the public, of their opinions concerning flying
saucers. If they accept them, we want to know why. If they do
not accept them, we also want to know why.
This will serve to measure the
information that can be released of that which we have. Little
by little we hope to give this information to the world, as much
as it can accept, to prepare them for the day when they shall
also experience the UFOs, hoping that they will not panic, and
that they will be a little bit prepared for what will happen."
One may look around and see that we have availed ourselves of
little of the vast amount of knowledge and experience we could
have enjoyed. Even this little was too much for many, and for
most of the UFO clubs. Witness the treatment any contactee gets
once he decides to reveal even a little of what is happening to
He would be better off to have said
nothing and to avail himself of these experiences in silence,
which is exactly what most of them do after their first
experience with the public. We may state that these experiences
have gone on for years, and the descriptions and dialogue up to
now would fill volumes.
The undersea base in the Pacific alone
would take a whole volume to describe.
We have undertaken the task of translating
Enrique Gastillo
Rincon's full report on his contacts from the original Spanish
to English for your enlightenment.
Our working title for that
report is UFO CONTACT FROM SHI-EL-LHO, the name which they
called their home sun somewhere in what we call the Pleiades.